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‘Top Window’ by Ardeesi

Based out of L.A., Ardeesi rises from the depths of quarantine to hand over a new piece of work, that is, ‘Top Window’. Guided by plunking bass, the sound maneuvers patiently beneath the prominent vocals and creates the feeling of an evening ride through a overpriced neighborhood with the top down. The story of a couple transplants fighting their way through the transitions and change one experiences when starting a new life, in a new place, with another person, rings particularly relevant and directly oppositional to the current state of lockdown the world is experiencing. (See the RDC logo, bottom left. A recreation of the CDC logo)

The post-indie hop 80s melodrama vibe that ‘Top Window’ produces is a reflection of the style and sonic compass that Ardeesi himself emanates as he breaks from peer influence and instead creates something truly his own. What I really love about this single is how it wastes no time, getting to the point and building a world for the listener, almost immediately.

I would consider this a must-listen for the “struggling libtards” and would love to hear a club remix in the future.

Go forth and listen!